
kiss, suddenly alive

Happiness arrive

Hunger like a storm



Unfortunately, you find yourself trapped im Das Kino, with the lights turned off. Everything you see, hear, and touch is projected on the giant screen. You are left feeling helpless, unable to take any action.


I can’t ____ myself.

loneliness is poison.

something is wrong. criminal is beneath the water. they’ve made a secret deal.

It’s done, it’s over, it’s the flattening of wings.

There’s an enormous void at the bottom of that bag, and it would never be satisfied. Your spirit is like a swimming pool performing a mathematical water show.

You crave endless touch, endless worship, endless focus, but nobody offers it to you.

And that’s the deathdoor.

Like a weird connection-vampire.

what do we want

what do we need

what do we have



I got a Hong Kong license recently, which honestly was purely accidental. It instilled in me a sense of bravery that I had never felt before. When I realized I could travel through Egypt, Korea, and Japan, I felt like a true digital ghost.

To me, Hong Kong signifies something cyber, hyper-technological, and a lower standard of living, akin to the net refugees in Tokyo. Unlike my parents who immersed themselves in TVB series during their youth, for me, it’s the new cyberpunk lifestyle that some Japanese artists are trying to portray.

I had a chat with nullqwertyuiop, saying, “We don’t need to be perfect; we just need to be better.” However, there was no response from him. Finally, I had the time to do whatever I wanted. I wanted to learn hacking, programming, delve into philosophy, and explore drawing. It was a fabulous time in my college life. Yet, I wasted it on drinking and feeling depressed, and I don’t know why.

If you love someone,set them free. If they come back,they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were. ——Richard Bach